Tuesday 1 May 2018

Guest: Aria Peyton

One day of perfection.

Five minutes to change it all.

All it took was the cruelty of one man and the actions of their clan to tear them apart.

Fated Mates; destined for each other. Forced into a solitary life until another enters their story.

Will his presence reunite them? Or will the past rear its ugly head and destroy them?

Death. Solitude. Grief.

And one bright star in the darkness.

When he discovers his guiding light he is related to the person responsible for two of the deaths will Nate welcome her with open arms? Or turn her away from the stain now marring his family name?

What happens to Kirsty when the darkness bleeds over, forever tainting the life they could have shared?

Will Nate stick around or cut and run?

Tiffany knows Santa is real. After all she caught her mother with him ten years ago. What Tiffany doesn’t realise is that the shifters she reads about are real, too, and there’s one on her roof.

Robert was kidnapped as a child and forced to live a life of slavery until one night he meets his mate. She frees him from the spell he’s under and escapes the clutches of the one who stole him.

They think they’re getting their HEA, only now Tiffany finds herself wielding incredible amounts of unmanageable magic, and there’s only one person who can help her.

Roberts captor.

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