Sunday 19 June 2011

On Writing & Other Things

Sometimes I think that my computer hates me; no seriously... I have spent the past two days tidying up all the manuscripts I am working on, and putting pictures on the covers.  Oh, I know they won't get used, but I feel better knowing that something is there... anyway, I was putting in page numbers etc... and on some MS's the cover is blank and on others there is a 0... and for the life of me I can't figure out how to get it to go away.

I am in the process of trying to put all my character notes from my varies note books onto the computer; it is long and boring job I can tell you; mind you, I keep getting sidetracked from what I am supposed to be doing... which doesn't help at all.

also I have to catch up on some reviews for two different groups that I need to do (ebook addicts and The Rainbow Awards).  Plus I am trying to get everything up to date before I fly out to Atlanta.  Only 32 more days to go... not that I am counting.

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